Basicly I was due on 12 days ago, but this would mean I was due to come on on valentines day ( partner lives away so this was a big deal! ) I'm no longer on the pill but I had some left over so I took two for two days to try and postpone my period .. What are the chances that they actually worked seeing as I'm not regularly using them? I took the two tablets a week ago and used to take 4-5 days to come on when I was regularly on the pill.. Did the two pills work? As I know you have to regularly be on them to be 100% protected, I had sex well over a month ago before I took the two tablets

Can anybody give me advise on what's going on?
I'm having what feels like period cramps and finding that I'm going dizzy often and I don't want to look into too much as I do want a baby so I'm not getting my heart set on it

- note I'm 20 and engaged so no 'stupid/too young' etc stuff