Whenever I am depressed and look at the digital clock, it is always a palindrome like 2:02 or 4:54 or 3:13. But when I'm happy it shows palindrome increased by 1 like 2:03 or 4:55 or 3:14. This has been happening to me since two years without a single exception. This always happens when I look at the clock suddenly. But if I plan on looking for a palindrome time, it won't show. It's like time knows what's going on with me. At first I thought it was just a coincidence. But this has happened with me every time without fail. Is universe sending a message to me? Please tell me what should I do as I am very much afraid something paranormal is going on ?
Responses (2)
One psychic response is make those a lottery number and simply let the idea happen. Also there is an option in your past you took those particular times as being more important. Depressed and depression seem to also be part of the question with too much attention to it.
MOOD disorders are alarmingly common. It is estimated, for example, that more than 330 million people worldwide suffer from serious depression, a condition characterized by overwhelming sadness and a loss of pleasure in everyday activities.
Most of us know what it is like to experience a wave of sadness. In time—perhaps in just a matter of hours or days—the feeling subsides. Clinical depression, however, is far more serious. “Those of us who are not depressed know that the rides our emotions take us on eventually end,” explains Dr. Mitch Golant, “but the depressed individual experiences the ups and downs, twists and turns of his feelings as if on a runaway train without a clear sense of how or when—or even if—he can ever get off.”
There are times when a sufferer can gain much relief by talking out his or her feelings with an empathetic listener. (Job 10:1)
Clearly, mood disorders are difficult to diagnose and can be even more difficult to live with. But there is hope for sufferers.
Many who now struggle with various types of mental illness realize that the battle with these dreadful afflictions is a long-term one. Yet, the Bible promises that in God’s new world, “no resident will say: ‘I am sick.’” (Isaiah 33:24. Until then medication from your doctor may be needed also learn about the time when sickness and death will be done away with.