I last had imtercourse with my partner on the 3rd if December I was then due on my period around the 5th of December but had no bleeding at all but then come the 8th of December I had a bit of spotting so I put a Troon in and when removed nothing I have since not had one period, this is not like me at all my periods are always regular and on time for 7 full days I have not even had a bit of spotting this month. Also I have noticed a huge change in my apatite I have been eating loads and getting hungry around an hour after having a meal this is not like me at all, waking up at off times such as 5am feeling very sick and also sometime get the feeling that my stomach feels really bruised inside. My first thought was could I be pregnant? I have done a pregnancy test but it has come back negative after covering over reason via the internet as to why I could have missed my period none of them seem likely but I am wondering why my pregnancy test would show negative if I was pregnant? This is really stressing me as I really want to know I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this problem or could give me any advice thankyou