had unprotected sex two and a half weeks ago and some more after that.. idk if it is jus in my head or if it real.. the past week i've been really tired, i have to pee once an hour, my back arms and legs are killing me. three nights ago my breasts started hurting and they feel worse everyday and they're kind of feeling hard, i have a constant pain in my stomach (not like an omg i cant move pain jus like an ache) when i eat i feel like im going to puke so i have to lay down.. i have frequent Headaches That Come And Go. i feel like my stomach is being blown up like a balloon.. and today my upper stomach started hurting so i took my bra off because i thought it could of been that squeezing my breasts but after i took my bra off it was still hurting.. idk these feelings.. am i sick or something or could i be pregnant.? someone please HELP.?!?!?!