So some friends and I get stopped while walking, I get cuffed and the rest of my friends start getting questioned, we were kept on the side of the road for about an hour and a half, my friend (who has serious anxiety among other things: she'll be known as A) was sitting next to another friend, (Here known as B) after I was told I was free to go, I sat down with A and B to comfort them, A began to have a major episode, panic attack or somthing, she was obviously not okay, because she was hyperventilating and choking, and the cop didn't even notice her, he just kept telling me I had to go, finally I got up and told him to help her, he said he'd do what he could, and I said "you'd better" and left, next day, I talked to A and apparently he didn't do ANYTHING to help her. Now, my understanding is that the police are public servants, and if I ever had a servant and gave him an order to help my friend who was choking and hyperventilating, he'd get her help as of that second.
We have court and my question I suppose is: seeing as he didn't help someone who I told him to help, could this in any way help our case?

We live In Texas, if that helps anything, I appreciate it, thanks guys