My bf just recently broke up with me. He was a friend of some of my mates and they all assured me that he is a really good guy etc. Anyway he appeared to be shy when we started dating but everything was great, we text and had a good time together. I realised he was pretty mean to his dog, like he would drag it about and pull it along by its ear and things. I saw this as kind of a red flag and always got pretty mad when he did it. He was also mean to my dog and said he was "desensitising it and it was good in the long run". We only dated for a very short time because he started playing mind games, like he would get upset with me and I wouldn't hear anything for days. I tried not to buy into this and I wouldn't text, ever, unless he had replied. I took this as him not being interested and asked him where we were going. He then accused me of pressuring him and saying I needed things in words, rather than just seeing where we went. He got seriously pissed at me because I responded to him feeling pressured by saying maybe we should slow things down a bit. He then basically stormed off and ignored me for two days, despite me sending a text asking him what I have done that elicited that reaction. Eventually I got fed up and rang him, he tried initially to say nothing was wrong and he hadn't been ignoring me. I confronted him and he said that if I was wanting to back off, I clearly wasn't that interested and we went moving forward so may as well brake up. I instantly said ok and I wish you the best etc. Im really confused, I don't know if I did something seriously wrong, if he wasn't really interested to begin with or if this is his issues. Part of me believes his suggesting breaking up was more of a threat than a suggestion and his emotional withdrawal was a way of punishing me.