I have a really bad time at showing emotions at all because I've tried so hard to hide them and its never been much of an issue til highschool now all my friends are coming to me with major relationship problems and I have no idea what to say or how to comfort them other than a hug. I don't date it baffles me that they come to me with their issues but they do and I am sick of feeling like a bad friend because I can't help them. So maybe one of you could? So lets call her, Amber. Amber was at her boyfriend, Joe's house while he momentarily steps out his little brother makes a move on Amber. Amber told him not to tell Joe because she wanted to tell Joe herself. But Tyler, told Joe anyway and caused a big fuss. Joe believed Tyler and their mother. Their mother kicked amber out and spit in her face.(their mom never really liked Amber) The next day Amber decided to write joe's father a note explaining what happened regardless of what he believed she wanted to set the record straight. I delivered the letter since she had been banned from the house. My family was having a crisis of its own so I had to go. When I came back she told be that she had gotten a chance to talk to Tyler who told her that him and his mother were in on making amber and Joe break up. Now this girl, brandi who sleeps with everyone and has a ton of boyfriends has started dating Joe just to get back at another girl who sleeps with everyone to get back at her for something. The other girl is ambers older sister.I know this sounds like all kinds of dramatic complications and it is but that's high school for you I guess. I just have no way of making her feel better. If you can wrap your head around this mess, could you please tell me what to say to her? She's completely heart broken over him.