Hey, soo as you can tell by the title I'm a college student. Freshman, second semester. I work two jobs and attend classes regularly. This is VERY hard for me. I'm trying to move out into an apartment with my boyfriend this spring and so the jobs seem necessary, but also not because my boyfriend is willing to pay for more than me. Getting to the point, I can't live this lifestyle anymore, I'm not gonna make it. My parents are only proud of me when I'm busting my ass constantly which I am, but what am I suppose to tell them when I fail out of college this semester? They'll be disappointed if I quit a job, they'll be disappointed no matter what. I work part time at a bar and the hours are sooo late, most days I work doubles and even have to leave school early to make it in time. I'm going insane, I'm not living a typical college life I don't get to hangout with people or meet new friends I don't even have the weekends off. I spend sooo much time stressing and being unhappy. How can I please everyone? I'm sorry this is so long. :/ thanks