A college interview is about like someone choosing a puppy. They really only care about weeding out the sickos and the biters. They don't expect you to have any great qualifications.
On the other hand, the college has an established reputation, and it sux. Every June you see headlines about the flood of graduates, and no jobs for them. The world simply does not need so many college graduates. Not only that, but the college does not teach you how to find a job, or even how to do well in their college. Your teachers will tell you with a straight face not to expect much from them because they didn't get their jobs by being good teachers. It is up to you to guess what will be on the final test and learn it on your own. Every college has an army of freelance tutors who will teach you enough to pass the exams, which is what you paid the college to teach you.
Take classes at the community college, get an afternoon job, and get started on a life. Take acting and public speaking. Vocal skill will affect your earning power more than any other detail, and acting skill will get you a job offer even when you are not qualified for the job. Get "Dress For Success" by John Molloy and consider all the advice for students. (The book is about appropriate clothes, not expensive clothes.)