So my story is that if i work while on foodstamps and on des, i will loose or be subtracted from foodstamps. Plus des go's by how many hours of work money i earn and subtracts that and gos by that. ..blah blah blah......etc.......The more i work the more i pay for daycare is what i found out volunteering next door. Or should i say near them. I know also by there scale. But dont know there scale. complicating. i loose foodstamps by how much i work, and they also have an incom scale. so yes im not dumb. sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo........................................i estimated everything and found out if i work part time or full time taxes are taken out of work money and then foodstamps get affected and des lowers and makes me pay more for daycare................i got an estimate that was a waste of time working and still could not afford food etc because of it.....sooo my question is can anyone proov me wrong...if so than thats great more tears tired of governments to make sure

I need someone who has had experience in tucson az with this issue, or that is a childcare, or des person willing to give me answers.I have already tried prying it from them and they are not athourized to give out this detailed information....I know that but im not dumb i know they know their stuff so someone please give in...................................................
If i was paying $725.00 a mon th for one child at daycare and im on foodstamps $450,and I work part time then how much foodstamps will they subtract from me? If it was full time work how much foodstamps will be gone? and if i work part time on food stamps and apply for des...then how much foodstamps will government take from me on food stamps and how much will daycare be? If i work full time on food stamps how much foodstamps will the government take from me and while on des how much will daycare be for one child? And if two? im not trying to upset anyone with these questions but i need to know exactly what im dealing with here. i could risk us not getting enough food and etc...because of certain stupid stuff like this that the government has made complicating for people like us...............
someone here has to be a genious or good at this stuff because theres millions of people in this world>>>>>>>>
Thank you for reading these complicating questions.......
very appreciated... i mean actual numbers ...................................please...........this should be a question posted for others as well with same question...i know everyone would love this info