Almost 3 years ago agreed to let my ex husband be the primary parent due to my dad passing away 3 weeks before we had court i thought it would be in the best interest. Now i want them in my care at all time because My children are in a unsanitary/unsafe environment i have pictures. The house is disgusting and the father smokes marijuana. He leaves the kids in the house while he sits in the garage. He drives with them and he has no licence. I have no proof of the smoking marijuana unless they drug test but do you thjnk i have a good chance at winning my case? I have been paying child support and everything else
Answers (1)
Yes, definitely! Get them out of there, if you are able to provide a better home. For the USA I don't know whether you must first go to government social services or to a lawyer. Hopefully the former.
Might be worth even asking him whether he wants the children or not. Perhaps he'd be happy to pass them on, since he takes such little interest in them. But don't bring up the subject in a confrontational way, or he might want to keep them just to deny you something you want, if your relationship ended badly.