How many moles is each of the following?
A) 0.0741 g AgCl
B) 54.6 g Cl2
C) 5.15 g KOH
D) 964 g Ca(C2H3O2)2
E) 0.721 g Ca
Answers (1)
You do have a printed periodic table, right? You can get the information at but you really need your own printed copy to carry with you. It will be a primary reference for everything you do.
There is a diagonal line, B-C, Si-P, Ge-As, Sb-Te, and Po-At. Elements to the left of the line are metals, meaning they lose an electron easily, elements to the right of the line are non-metals, and elements on the line are semiconductors.
Now get into your course reading materials and learn about the mole. It is nothing more than counting on your fingers. Everybody you work with will assume that you know this perfectly.