Im 11 in the 5th grade and theres this valintine dance at my school and also a hot chick she told me she wanted to go with a guy she dated 2 times. shes broke up with him now an once she told me he hade no heart so right now im confused she likes me right now when I started being cool but I need to know how to take her to the dance and get her to be my girlfriend can sombody please help me?
Responses (1)
i guess some of these things are a chat away. be bold and take her like for a drink and walk a bit then start a general conversation about how you have allways imagined what the dance will be like this year, you read her body language and listen then you can tell if she likes to go then just pop the question, would you like to go with me, while smiling so that even if she says no you dont look desperate and hurt. hop it helps coz valentines aint so far away