Im 26 and would like to complete my degree by at least by 30 I have most of my basic classes finished. I want something where i can make good money with just a 4 yr degree. These are there careers i've considered marine bio-worried i wont find a job,PT- worried about 3 more yrs in school and stress of the job,prosthetists has sparked a lil interest in me so, i've considered just to major in bio.. but i plan on getting my real estate license just to have i know the market sucks so i need a degree.. Im a outdoors person, i like the feeling of completion, not a really great ppl person--like i could never be a nurse or something like that. thinking i would like something fast pace not something where im in one place all the time.. or doing the exact samething everyday.. well any help or advice.. ideas for carees are alll welcome thanks