SECTION II - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING (e.g. 24 H in a D = 24 Hours in a Day)
9. 2 S of a L's T
10. 16 O in a P
11. 9 Pin a B T
12. 11 L on the L U
13. 20 N in a D
14. 4 CJ in the T D F
15. 5 P of I
16. 22 B on a S T
17. 7 D in S W
18. 154 S S
19. 4 G S in T
22. 9 C of H
25. GK beats DB 1-2
28. If England is 8, the United States of America is 15, and South Africa is 19, what will Russia be?
30. What property, do the words FLINCH, CHART, TODAY and REGRET have in common?
31. Name the next letter in this sequence: F S T F
32. What do these words have in common: age, blame, dance, evidence, knee, gleam, harm, interest, jam, kiss, latch, motion, nest, signal, trust, view, x-ray, yield?
34. What number links the Brazilian footballer Zico with George Michael's and Andrew Ridgeley's musical duo 'Wham'?
35. What links: Taunton, Guildford, Alnwick and Exeter
43. Vast fast rebels wand
45. A lawn toy lunchtime
Translate these nonsense versions of famous quotations, lyrics or proverbs into their original form (e.g. 'Howl dewy loaf see? Lemming county vase' = 'How do I love thee? Let me count the ways')
46. Blow tiger, but hare fires spin Lockerbie.
47. Aye! Half puffin tunic Hleb ought may Jenas.
48. Doom, men! Eck! Hook spell Thebe wrath.
49. Boo! Teasing thy off Phoebe, howl, dear.
50. Hijinx the fool, yam!