Our gold fish, Goldie, has been alive and healthy for the past 7 years - until last week when we added 2 new sucker fish to the tank to decrease the algae. After a few days, Goldie started to develop fin rot. Since then, both of the new sucker fish have died. We have changed the water, balanced the ph, added aqua safe, aquarium salt, and have treated her with Melafix for the past 3 days.

She has perked up a bit, but still is staying at the bottom of the tank. She has started to get black specks on her and now her eyes are looking like they are bulging. She also has developed white fluff on her body.

She is a 6 inch goldfish in a 10 gallon tank, and has done wonderful for all of these years. We have fungus clear fix tabs that we have not yet added. What should we do next? Is there anything else that we are not doing to help her out? We have also given her the inside of peas, and changed to pellets rather than flakes - she seems to prefer the peas at this time.

We have been in close contact with the pet store who suggested that we wait to put the filter back in while we are treating the water. The pet store has also guided us through this treatment process. She has an aerator in the water as well. She was SO healthy and has outlived any of her companion fish. Can you please give us any ideas or suggestions of what else we could do to try to make her heal? We realize that everything has it's time, but it seems like this was so sudden that we wanted to try to see if there are ways to help her heal. Thank you for your site, and your suggestions. She means a lot to me. Maria