Can we create or destroy energy?

Answers (4)

Energy is not a physical unit. It is a philosophical concept and an accounting technique used to analyze mechanical and chemical exchanges. In nuclear physics it is defined as a wavelength of light, in biology it is a synonym for metabolism, and in public utilities they say energy when they mean connectivity. Anybody who uses the word in any other context either does not know what he is talking about, or is peddling something you don't need.

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I believe that you can create energy but in doing so you have to spend other things, such as time, in order to do so. Destroying energy I am unsure of, but if you can create it, there must be a way to destroy it.

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In a closed system, energy may only be converted according to the known physical laws. This includes the famous E = m * c ^ 2 which means annihilation of mass would result in a huge burst of energy, or that a great deal of energy released will conjure small quantities of quarks, nothing within human control however.

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According to Einstein’s theory, energy can also be turned into matter. The forming of the material universe may therefore have involved what one cosmologist called “the most awesome transformation of matter and energy that we have been privileged to glimpse.”
From where, though, did the matter and the energy needed for such a “transformation” originate? the star we know as the sun is just one among billions of similar massive sources of energy in the universe.Fr. Interestingly, the Bible says of God: “Due to the abundance of dynamic energy, he also being vigorous in power, not one of them [the heavenly bodies] is missing.” (Isaiah 40:26) Whatever means God used to create the universe, he clearly has the energy and the power needed to do so.THE sun is the earth’s primary energy source also the star among billions of similar massive sources of energy in the universe. Scientists still do not have answers.
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