Can take car battery out cuting the positive cable first?

Answers (1)

You need to find a friend who knows how to take out a battery in a safe manner. It's not hard, but you do have to know a few things.

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The reason we disconnect the negative cable first and not the positive one is the negative is connected to the chassis aka undercarriage frame and motor is all connected so if we cut positive than the negative wich is connected to the chassis when we go to take it off it may spark or electrocute you. if you touch the wrench to the nut of the negative terminal tryna take it off after you neutralized the POS and the chassis touches anything but the nut it may blow up or electrocute you... is this accurate?

Pretty close. But there are some other things, such as getting holes in your clothes just by coming near the battery. So it's really best to find a friend who has done it before, or at least seen it done.

I am not sure but I think the negative cable is dangerous something to do if you have enough of life in front of the house of a genocide perpetrator in case the poice have failed to arrest him and you can be executed for this