First off, she broke up with me because we went from close friends to a couple, then after I started acting clingy with no self confidence and started moping when I was normally all happy and chill in front of her, she broke up with me saying "it's not working out, relationships are a two way street." But I apparently did nothing wrong. I haven't seen or said a word to her in 11 days. Tomorrow I want to mail the letter to her house because it's said by relationship professionals that letters are effective since no one writes them anymore. I don't want to come off as needy or appearing like I'm rushing to get back. Best I'd want is for her to want to crawl back to me but I mostly want to get back to spending individual time with her, so is this a good second chance letter?

"Dear Jessica,

What's up, how have you been, how have your classes been, and how is your family? Tell everyone I say hi.
I have really mellowed out now and nothing is bothering me anymore, I completely respect your decisions, and I feel much better and calm nowadays.
In fact, some pretty cool stuff has been going on lately, but I won't ramble. Feel free to call me.


So, it this a good letter to get her thinking about me and get her to miss having fun with me?
Will I then have a good chance to rebuild the relationship?