i need to make a riddle that is hard so people can have hard time answering my riddle. tell me a hard riddle with the answer.
Answers (4)
Three lives have I. Gentle enough to soothe the skin, Light enough to caress the sky, Hard enough to crack rocks. What am I?
Journey without it and you will never prevail, but if you have too much of it you will surely fail.Answer: Confidence Poor people have it. Rich people need it. It can make you or break you.Answer: Adversity Everyone wants more of it to feel special, yet the more you have of it the less special you feel.Answer: Knowledge If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven’t got me. What am I?Answer: Secret You can only have it once you have given it.Answer: Respect Imagine you are in a dark room. How do you get out?Answer: Stop imagining it What is always coming but never arrives?Answer: Tomorrow
1. It has keys, but no door, there is space, but no room, you can't leave, but you can escape,-What am I?
-a keyboard
2. What can you sit on, sleep on, and brush your teeth with?
- a chair, bed, and tooth brush!
3. It was made by a man who didn't want it, it was bought by a man who didn't use it, it was used by a man who didn't know it-what was it?
-a coffin
4. You are trapped in a concrete room with only a mirror and a table, how do you get out?
-You look in the mirror, you see what you saw, you take the saw and cut the table in half, you take the two halves and make a hole, you go out the hole.
Who say l eat ants for breakfast.
What is tomorrow. Give the answers tomorrow.