I have been smoking weed for a long time and I feel it's caused me to have an underbite. Has anyone heard of such a thing? Can smoking weed cause an underbite?
Responses (2)
I do not believe this to be a cause. Here are some of the causes :
It’s usually the case that crooked teeth, overbites, and under bites are inherited traits, just like the colour of your eyes or size of your hands. Other causes of misaligned bites are early loss of baby or adult teeth; improper fit of dental restorations (for example, fillings or crowns); gingivitis (gum disease); undue pressure on the teeth and gums; misalignment of the jaw after severe facial injury; tumours of the mouth or jaw; or common oral health problems in children such as thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, the use of a dummy beyond the age of three, or prolonged use of a bottle.