My brother says video games make people smart but what ive hard if you play way to many you can become blind.Can you tell me,can video games make you smarter or ca video games make you blind?
Answers (42)
your brother just cant stand u being around things that bothers him much. that happens to me. video games can cause a damage in your eyes as you'll be focusing it on one place. The backlight slowly damages the cells in the eyes and that is why you feel like shading a tear drop when playing.
If you play sitting very close to the TV and played for three weeks straight it might make you blind. And it depends on the game. I'll bet you could learn nice social skills in a game like LittleBigPlanet, and Tekken taught me a few interesting take-downs. But Street Fighter might make you try to "Hadouken!" someone and get your butt kicked. Minecraft might rot your brain and make you think everything is pixels and blocks. But might also teach you a bit of science with the fact that Sand can be baked into Glass and whatnot.
well im a gamer from 5 years sometimes my eyes hurts me a littlebit or i can't really focus so much (sometimes). but im not blind :) i tried the blind test tho. 10/10
and also im not a gamer who plays 1 hour :D i play like 10 or 8 hours per day
EXTRA INFO (Important tho)
sometimes it depends in your computer screen
like mine. if you got a good quality in ur screen i mean not blury or not so smooth and sharp. look at the text if it was so sharp that mean you need to make your screen quality a little bit lower if it was blury then you need better quality. what will happen if i ignore it
Sharp : makes ur eyes hurt a little bit
Blury : first you can't see that good, your head will hurt you a little bit (not dangerous that much)
Technically speaking, it can't make you blind. Look at all the gamers out there who do gaming for a living, none of them have become blind. However, it surely would negatively affect your eyesight. And as an answer to your question it neither makes you blind nor does it make you smart. But if by smart you mean like cyber smart than yeah I suppose it does in a way but not really.
Hope I helped!
Jay xx
I really don't think this is possible. Staying to close to the tv won't cause blindness. If video games everyday for the rest of your life, your brain would probably be effected, but your not going to become blind. I think your brothers just messing with you.
No b.s. No, they cant make you blind. They can make you more sensitive/less sensitive to light depending on your area of play (dark basement= more sensitive, lit area =less sensitive). They also help improve reaction times and you anulity to track objects, such as if multiple people were to throw baseballs at you.
No, videogames will not make you blind infact they will make you smarter! My brother who is 12 now started playing videogames at an early age. He can speak English a lot better than me, and he has improved in math since he started playing videogames. Some videogames even thought him life long lessons, like etc. One day he told me "if I one day save the world then it's OK if the people doesn't know it was me, as long as they are safe then I'm glad". He for some reason tries to motivate me when I feel depressed, he is not so very good at it though, but the words coming from a 12 year old it's heart touching.
I guess this greatly depends on the person. I have played video games solid for years as I am disabled & this is how I spend most of my time, and or at least I am always in front of my computer. I am 40 years old, and I have been on computers as long as I can remember, and my sight is normal. I also sit pretty close to my monitor/s, so I guess that just depends on the person.