I’m picking my daughter up today and my baby mum text to say she has a party tomorrow I said I don’t want to take her to this party as I already have plans. She is now stopping me from having her. Is it allowed for her to dictact what I do on my weekends?? Please help
Responses (2)
If court ordered visitation says she can dictate where and what you do with your daughter on your visitation visits then yes she can.
If such a court order does not exist then no she cannot. She also cannot refuse to let you see your child if an order from the court doesnt exist giving her that permission.
You are making a huge mistake not going to court with a lawyer and laying out a specific design for visitation of how often you are allowed to see her, when you pick up when you return, who gets the child on holidays each year, can you be at doctor appts, should she be required to tell you about dr, dental, eye appts and hosp visits? Can she move out of the town or state without telling you?
Visitation continues until that child is 18 years old and if you don't put in place guidelines this kind of thing can go on every month until your daughter is 18.