Can modelling lead to a career in acting?

Answers (1)

What exactly do you think modeling means, besides the admiration of other little girls? You can be a hand model and nobody cares what your measurements are, or how you wear your hair, or that your face looks like the back of a bus. You can be an underwear model and the only thing that counts is showing up on time. You can be a model and the world only sees your nose, or one ear, or your heels, and so forth. All of these are jobs, and nobody admires the people who perform those jobs. They are just jobs.

To answer your question, no. I suggest you develop vocal skills: drama, story telling, public speaking. Then go to a radio station and ask who does their jingles. Go to that company and tell them you want to do commercials. They will know whether they want you as soon as you speak. Modelling has no connection with acting, but several voice actors have made the transition.

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