I was walking home from school with a friend. (I'm in middle school.) We were going through the high school parking lot, and a van came speeding straight at as. I only got one number from the license plate. I however, can identify the vehicle, and the high schoolers have to park in the same spot every day, and I know where he came from. I also saw the driver, but does it matter if I didn't see the plate? Would I go to the police, or go to the school and speak to somewhere there?
Answers (1)
Go out in the morning and get the full license number, brand and model of the car. But since you were not injured, don't expect any result from your complaint. In many communities they won't even send someone if there are no injuries.
Alright, thank you very much. You don't know how helpful this is. Four years ago a crossing guard got hit by a teen driver heading to the school because he was speeding. They ended up taking up high into court, but the son of the crossing guard dropped all charges, though the driver lost his license.
I am able to identify the vehicle and where the student has to park every morning and only in that spot. I did see him, his window was down, I got two numbers off the license plate. Would that help in the slightest bit? The fact that it's a student driver, who nearly hit my friend and I (we're 13) in a school parking lot, means he should at the least be stripped of being able to park in his spot every morning. (At the school if you buy a parking pass, you're assigned a specific spot.) Are you sure that I still wouldn't be able to report him to the school at least, and see if they can do something about it?