Some background---I'm 21 and when I was 17 in highschool I got a dui and to this day I'm still paying the consequences (no license ) my suspension is up in October and all I need left to do is 6 days of community labor and HAM program. I lost my job due to not having car for work since it got impounded because of my no license. Long story short I moved out of my sis place and moved in with my aunt to get a "fresh start" I drank to much 1 day and got piss drunk and I somehow i was on the street with a knife and police came and shot me a rubber bullet and made a big scene and I was released from the hospital the next day from my injuries. The owner of the apartments of my aunts place said he doesn't want me living there and is giving her and eviction notice of 1 month because of what I did. She can stay unless I leave so I'm not going to make my aunt and uncle leave this place so I'm planning on going to Mexico with some family over there for 6 months or so while my aunt looks for a house. My question I have some traffic tickets that require court dates but if I just leave to TJ and come back. Later will I be arrested? I was going to say I had a family emergency that cause me to leave urgently. I have no where else to go my aunt needs more than 1 month to look for place for all of us and the owner just doesn't want me here. Also I only have my California id, social security card and birth certificate NO passport can I still cross to tj.