Ok, so I know that no matter how awesome they might be, most, (probably all) video games are mainly fictional, but that doesn't mean I don't want to find anything like it. Like Uncharted for example. I know that if I do become an archeologist or treasure hunter, I'll probably never be put in the position where I have to save the world, battle with supernatural curses, or climb myself out of the wreckage of a train crash where the train is hanging halfway off a mountain in the Himalayas and survive. But can some of it happen? Like getting in a race to the treasure with a dangerous party on my trail, or discovering long lost cities with a mentor/partner at my side? And one more thing, can the story of how Sully found Drake be possible, or are the chances of that one in a million as well? And if these questions sound like the question of an eager 16 yr old, it's cause they are.