Can gays born a baby?

Answers (5)

never heard of such

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They can not "born" a baby
they can adopt one
Still i think you already knew the answer ...

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not possible

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i've heard of this only happening once. i forgot his name but he was born interssexed i think. just google "first pregnant man."

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If you asking the question 'Can a gay couple, male or female conceive a baby following sex together, then the answer is no. In order to conceive a baby a woman needs to receive a mans sperm, semen, spunk, into her vagina and that sperm needs to attach itself to her ovaries, her egg. If a woman has sex with another women then, well, the ovaries are there but there is no sperm. A man having sex with another man means that there is sperm but no ovaries. There was one very rare case some years ago whereby a man was carrying a baby. It was his twin brother. Somehow during conception the ovaries and egg entered his body and his twin brother began growing inside of him. His brother did not survive and this was a one in a trillion million billion chances of ever happening again.

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