I asked, "Can anyone really achieve Financial Independence and Retire Early, or is the FIRE Movement just for the rich and young?" because there's a common misconception that the FIRE Movement is only achievable for people with high incomes or those who start early in their careers. It’s easy to assume that you need to be wealthy to save enough to retire early or that it’s only feasible if you start saving aggressively at a young age.

By asking this question, I am addressing whether the principles of FIRE can apply to a broader range of people, regardless of age or income level. It reflects curiosity about whether anyone can achieve financial independence with the right mindset and strategies, debunking myths around wealth and age being prerequisites. You want clarity on how achievable FIRE is for the average person, and whether factors like smart budgeting, investing, and flexibility in the rules (like the 4% rule) can make it possible for anyone to follow.