This problem has beeen occuring for over 3 months now and I am begging to worry I have been experiencing itchy ness and redness in my vagina and a white thick discharge that is oderless I have had two sexuall partners and with my first one everythin was fine never a problem then with my second one I had those symtoms and once we had sex it was a burning sensation and I bled a small amount the we had oral sex and I bleed a huge amount and he wasn't doing it that hard I'm so scared to do anything with my boyfriend now because I know it will happen again any advice on what it might be ? I'm 16 btw and on birth control
Answers (8)
It sounds like a yeast infection, just calm down. They are not very serious (IF TREATED SOON AND RIGHT.) Symptoms: Itching and burning in the vagina and around the vulva (the skin that surrounds your vagina), A white vaginal discharge that may look like cottage cheese, Pain during sexual intercourse, Swelling of the vulva. Yeast infections are so common that 3/4 of women will have one at some time in their lives. Do not panic I suggest you go see a doctor, however if you are uncomfortable with that (I am lol) they may have some type of medicine to use at a local drug store. :)
I agree with most of the posts here. Need to see a doctor. Sounds like a yeast infection. Which is just that: an infection. Although rare a guy can also get a yeast infection during intercourse or even oral with someone who has one so don't have sex till this is cleared up. If he has symptoms he needs to b checked out also. You can do an internet search on yeast infections to learn more.
You can try to treat yourself but if it has been 3 months you probably need something stronger than the over the counter stuff. Get some vagisil at the pharmacy or grocery store, both the cream and the stuff you insert. Use it religiously! Wash with soap and water several times a day, everytime you go potty if you can. Get some baby wipes to take to school with you and use those instead of TP. Wear loose cotton panties or no panties at all if ur just sitting around at home. Loose breathable clothes are best. If u are all alone wear nothing below the waist and sit under a fan with legs spread. DO NOT SCRATCH! I know this seems impossible but it only makes it soooooo much worse and it won't satisfy the itching at all but it will make it burn more!
I got a yeast infection a few months ago due to being on an antibiotic for a sinus infection. Sex isn't the only way you get these. U can also get them from being too moist down there for an extended period of time. It is caused from a bacteria that is always present but for some reason multiplies faster than the good bacteria that keeps it in check. You can also get them from wiping incorrectly when you go to the bathroom. Always wipe from front of pubic area to the bum area then lift the tissue away, NEVER WIPE FROM BUM TO FRONT. That will push the bacteria into ur vag. The point is if you need to see the Dr for this you don't have to tell your parents it's due to sex. It could be due to several other reasons.
Just a tip for the future. Before having sex again make sure both you and your partner clean yourself really well down there before and after.
Best of luck!
LOL! U making fun of me Chevey? Oh well! I like u anyway!
Not at all Ali, I was expressing my opinion on the clarity of your answer, the information you gave was very enlightening. I learned quite a bit thanks to you my friend.
Very informative information Ali, thank you for the education.