i went to the market today and when I was buying something from a lady, this guy comes and drop everything from his hand and all his produce feel out of his bag (hehe). He then started to take them up and told me that when he saw me he got nervous, so his bag fell out of his hand. then started to hit on mr trying to hold my hand. I dragged it away from him (so weird). I m not all that shapely, so I don't see what he's talking abt. but all the men I know, don't stay friends with me. they get stand-offish. like this guy who I thought was my friend. he stop talking to me and not even looking at me. but I m stil lfriends with his wife...why is all these guys acting so weird around me? ..i don't even try anything with them...why is my guy friend chatting and being friendly with others all of a sudden and not me?