So first off, I am planning to take her to the vet. But I live in a small town and the soonest appointment they could make was three days from now, so I figured I'd see if anyone can give me some insight before that time....
We have a 4 year old female Siberian Husky. In the past week or so there have been a lot of changes. #1) She spends most of her inside time in her crate and most of her outside time in her doghouse. While inside the crate is always open, while outside she's in a run with almost an acre of room. We literally have to pull her out of the crate/doghouse to get her inside or outside (we're gentle about it, of course but she won't come out on her own at all). Coaxing with food/treats/anything hasn't been working.
#2) Her appetite has also decreased. If we feed her inside she just leaves it in her bowl. If we try to feed her outside she uses her nose to shove dirt/leaves/sticks into the bowl to cover the food. This has been going on for a little over a week and it doesn't seem like she's lost any weight yet. Honestly, if anything it seems like she may have gained a little.
#3) Last "symptom" here and this one's a little gross-ish, so I'm sorry. She's also been licking at her genitals/rear a lot in the last day or two.
She's not spayed (please no hate for that, we have our reasons), so I'm wondering if anyone knows if these might be signs that she could be pregnant or if we should be preparing ourselves for some kind of bad news when we take her to the vet?