I need a way to get to somewhere in the Oxnard or Camarillo area in California by either a one way train route (not likely, I know) or by several different train routes.
Right now in Florida, I'm located near the Vero Beach, Fort Pierce, Okeechobee, Port St. Lucie area (my zip code is 34985, so anywhere relatively close to there would be preferable)

I can't seem to find any trains that's go along the South of the US... All the ones from Florida only lead North for some reason, which is why I'm here on this site. If anyone can please, please, find a series of train routes that could take me from Florida to California, I would be really grateful. Also, if you could, maybe give me a link or a list of what I would need to do & where I would need to go. I've also been googling prices, but it's hard to estimate the price of the entire trip if I don't even know what train or routes I'd be taking.

So, if anyone can help me out w/ a list of trains & routes I'd need to take to get there, and maybe a price estimate, that'd be so totally great. Any departure date before August 14th would be preferable, so my window to leave is pretty open... Except I wouldn't really be able to leave til August 7th (cause I have to come up w/ the money as soon as possible, by any means necessary so I'm going to need at least two weeks) so I guess somewhere between August 7th or August 14th.

The departure date is what matters, but the time I arrive at the destination doesn't. I just have to leave sometime between those two dates, (August 7th - August 14th) and it doesn't matter what time frame I arrive. As long as I'm on a train by then.

Anyways, hopefully someone can help & who ever does, seriously thank you so much. And if no one can help, I understand it's kinda a hard thing to do.

I can't take a plane or a boat (well, maybe a boat if that's possible lol) or a bus (cause usually those are more expensive than trains, I think) so a train is all I can think of... I could walk, I guess but that'd be very... difficult & I'd probably just end up crying back to where I'm trying to leave.

Anyways, ramble cut short - if you can help in anyway with this planning thing I'd be very very thankful (See, I used 'very' twice - that's how thankful I'd be) Also, if you need any additional info, like my age or baggage or something (I'm already packed w/ what I'll need, but I can always lighten my load) then just lemme know, and I'll try to fill you in as much as possible.

So thanks again, and hopefully someone can help me out.