I work with somebody and we have been flirting with each other for a while now. We have never exchanged a word, but it could be because he is at a much higher hierarchy than I am. We pretty much stare at each other, and he asked about me to somebody. However, the person said Im not emotionally available, and ive noticed he slowly distancing himself. The thing is, i need to talk to him, and i dont know how (we are probably both shy as hell). Do you think it would be crazy if i called him(his work number) and ask to meet with him privately away from work? We both cannot afford any talking at work, lets just say it will def put our jobs and reputation at risk. Could i do that? Or is there a better way to approach this situation? I feel like he tried multiple times to come close enough but the environment is just not good for it due to where we work. Please help, im desperate and i feel like now he is actually starting to move on, i noticed he doesnt try to find me anymore like before.
Thats why i said i wanted to talk to him outside of work.