My girlfriend i have been seeing each other for 1 and a half years. She was a virgin when i met her. I have been fingering her but never had sex. One morning after a big fight she came to my house looking really tired. She had bruising on her eyes from lack of sleep. She was pale and her vagina was really really wet without me even touching it. It also was already very excited and loose. I had fingered her 2 days ago. Could she still be very loose from that??? i doubt it. I suspect she cheated on me. We were mucking around and i noticed her g spot was swollen already. I hadn't even touched it. she also had a bruise on her leg. She denies doing anything. But my instincts tell me she def cheated. I have been 100% loyal to her and don't want to be dating a liar. Is it possible to tell by a girls vagina if she had sex recently??? it was abnormally loose, usually i have to play with her for about 20 min to get it like that if you know what i mean.

please sincere answers

i havn't slept properly for 2 weeks.