Can a drug sniffing dog tell if you are currently high even if you are not holding any drugs on you?

Responses (1)

It wouldn't be able to tell if your ArE just smells the drugs. So I would assume if you smell like bong water the dog will probably recognize the smell on you. but unless you have drugs on you, you should be safe.

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so if i smoke from a bubbler but put it away and you know, spray myself and change so i dont smell like it and go to a military base field trip thing about 2 hours later would that be ok?

You should also brush your teeth, use eye drops...and don't forget to bring a towel!

Those dog's are not stupid XD Check out the eppisode of Mythbusters where they test their abilities none of the dogs were fooled,and if the dogs are 'Stupid' thats just because the Cop trained it badly.