Sorry it's so long. I would really appreciate it if anyone takes the time to read and reply.

I work in a retail store(New look) have worked here for over 3 years.
Up until 5 months ago I loved my job.

6 months ago my manager and deputy manager transferred to another store, which of course meant we would get new management.

My new boss came along. Never introduced her self to any of us and spent all her time in the office.

After a month the staff from her previous store came to work at our shop then she held a meeting and informed us that we had not been well trained and me and my co workers were basically rubbish at our jobs. She praised her staff and singled us out.

After the meeting there was a lot of tension. She bullies us and treats the staff from her old store with a lot more respect.

I have been going through a difficult time these past 3 months. My Nanna was very poorly and sadly passed away last month.
I went back to work straight away as I couldn't afford to be on sick.
At the start of last week I had a break down and doctor insisted I have a week off work and gave me a sick note.

I return to work tomorrow however I have found out that in my absence most of my work responsibilities have been taken away from me and given to someone else(a member of her old team)

I had a department (accessories) and it was my job to manage it and I also had another girl as back up for when I was off work.

This girl has been given the department. I went in today and it was a total mess jewellery everywhere. It seems that they have been very unfair and unsympathetic towards my situation.

Going to ask for a word in the offic about it tomorrow.
Just wanted advice from you guys as to what I can say.
