I had an argument with my boyfriend via text. During this argument, I felt like I was being attacked unfairly, but looking back I realize he was probably under a lot of stress. The argument was about our future and my current state of unemployment. There was no name-calling, but I said things that probably hurt his feelings.

Now, he's not talking to me, and I decided to give him space. I have no idea what he's thinking/ how he's feeling. He could be angry at me, or hurt. He could be thinking of ending things.

My question is, how long should I wait? Today is the 3rd day I haven't heard from him. What should I do if I don't hear from him in 2 weeks for example? Do I assume that it's over, or do I initiate contact? We've been dating for 1 year 10 months now. Currently in a LDR, but we have/ had tentative plans to meet up in two months.

I know there's no point stressing about the future, but I'm the type that needs to have some kind of plan.

Thanks in advance!