We have been together for 4 years. I moved in with him one year ago. We had plans to get married in the future and I was very happy with this becuse he has always said he didn't believe in marriage. 3 months ago I bought a ring for him. Told him it was my symbol of my love and faithfulness to him. He accepted and wore it eveyday. A month ago we went to a wedding on his family side. Alot of people asked him" so when are you going to get married your the last one in the family" this had put tention in our relationship becuse now I feel that he does not want to get married. At his work place recently a few females were calling him work husband. I was very offended because I had told him to tell these women to stop calling him that. He said no and it bothered me alot becuse I told him that he likes being called work husbad but that he does want to be my husband. So I told him not to wear the ring and I took it back. We didnt speak about it since then. Yesterday I wanted t give him the ring back I placed it by his watch so he can see it and wear it. He didn't. I asked him and his response was
" I don't want to wear the ring until I see that we are in a better place"
I said okay and walked away and have been sad since then. I took the ring back and placed it in my closet. Should I sell the ring and never bring it up again like it never happened. Or should I keep the ring and give it to him again at a much later day?