On the 2nd to last step of the outside staircase in my apartment, I saw a big spider spinning a web across this whole area. It's late at night, and I was about to go get groceries, but when I saw it I went back up to my room, as even if I hop over the web now, getting back over it, especially while carrying multiple trips of groceries, I'm scared I will step into the web.

Yes I have arachnophobia, but it isn't without reason. I've stepped in webs multiple times, and have been bitten multiple times as well.

So my options at this point (that I can think of):
1. Go to get groceries in the day time, hoping a neighbor will have passed through by then... or that the spider is nocturnal.
2. Bring my spider spray with me and spray that area on the way down...

Haha sorry if this seems silly but this truly bothers me. The grocery store is only open for another hour, and this is my only day off today. Any suggestions?