I eat breakfast every morning before school but after school i have bbal conditioning and it kills me. My legs cramp up, i wanna faint, my head hurts. (This all goes away in like 15-20mins after the training btw). But i really need some snack, i repeat snack not a meal. Before my training. I was thinking something in a package with lots of carbs for energy. I also thought peanuts wouldnt be bad but you guys can tell me if theyre good or not. Suggestions? Thanks
Answers (1)
I suggest you study some books about nutrition so you know how to eat right. Fainting after school does not indicate a need for snacks, it indicates malnutrition. Figure out how much fat you want per day and get it all for the first meal. Fat slows digestion so you have a steady supply of energy all day and you don't get hungry between meals. It takes a few hours to a couple of days to digest food, depending on what it is, so the only thing you get from a pre-workout snack is sugar. Orange juice can put sugar in your blood stream in as little as ten seconds. Not peanuts: they are oily and oil digests slowly.
There are several things that might cause cramps. One is a magnesium deficiency, which is quite common among American youngsters. Bed wetting is a frequent symptom. Magnesium strengthens muscles, calms nerves, stops cramps, and fights infections. Get epsom salt. It is cheap, five bux for a year's supply. Put a dose in a glass with water to cover and stir until it dissolves. Fill the glass with lemonade and drink it. You can take it without the lemonade but you won't like the taste. Milk of magnesia is more expensive but nicer tasting and gentler laxative action. Your choice.