I m in the very early stages of planing a business of a bottle shop selling craft beers from around Britain.
What I ve found is is that it s very difficult to get prices from brewery s or distributors for their beer without having a business already set up. Before I can continue I need to know if a business would be viable for me.
Basically what I m asking if anyone knows a rough price of 24 cans/bottles of craft beer. Let s say for an example, a brewery in London. Say Beavertown and maybe 24 cans of Gamma Ray. Now I can go in any bottle shop in London and see this beer for usually £2.50. What I need to know Is what did the retailer buy it for?
I just want to get an idea of the profit margins bottle shops make. I know it s not a great deal but a percentage would go some way to help my understand if a business in this field is right for me. Any help would be great. Thanks.