... my release date for 3 of the months. So I had two jobs ready for me and lots of late Bills to get payed. The day after the jail released me on my scheduled date I get a call from the sarge that there was a mix up in the system and I need to turn myself back into jail for 52 more days. Now I'm going to lose two jobs and possibly my home because of the jails mix up. So how do I go upon fighting this? They told me for the last 3 months my release date and I'd be a free man on that day. Then they screw up and all my plans I was starting are going to be lost if u have to go back for the jails screw up. Its causing me bad stress and suffering. I'm trying to get my life back on a forward momentum and now 5 months of planning jobs and getting my life back will all go down the drain because of their mess up. What do I do to fight this? Please let me know