At future, the student will take test on computer or tablets. Did you want this type or paper type?

Responses (3)

I will like Future testing^^

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I work in education and this already happens. We used to do something called OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) where we scanned multiple choice papers into computers and analysed them that way. Then it seemed a bit silly when we could just have students just take the exams directly on computers.

We even film scenarios so that students can get practical experience in a safe environment, like we may have scenarios with patients admitted to hospital and you have to select what treatment you should attempt. It only needs to be filmed once and then the same thing can be used for a whole year.

Sadly, it can't be used for more than a year because once it becomes known, people will cheat rather than properly understand it. Even with something as important as patient lives, when they will one day be treating real people.

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I use

I was meaning that all the tests and not an OMR. I use it too but it is bubbling.

my school already uses computers for some tests, and i like it that way. i feel there is less stress and it is easier to go back and correct mistakes. :)

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