so i've astral projected multiple times, and today it happen to occur,
generally it occurs during the morning for me when im about to wake up but my body is in sleep paralysis mode, so i managed to slip out and when i did it was all dark and the room was different, and someone was there, the minute i came out i felt a weird presence within my soul, like someone else was in me aswell, as i went down stairs i was controlled by someone else acting different, the way i talked and walked, the area was still very very dark but i saw my mum and brother down stairs, i told them thinking they'd listen ive been possessed what do i do, so then i tried resiting a prayer but didnt know it fully so i said "GET OUT OF MY BODY RIGHT NOW" and when i did and woke up and felt a wave of vibrations coming from my stomache area.

im unsure what i should do?? was this real or not? should i be concerned??

what's even stranger is that a few weeks ago when moving into this room, my dog was sleeping on my bed and happen to wake me up during the middle of the night, when i woke up she was growling at a corner in my room...
and then another time a toy thing that i had on my window bench felt off during midnight while i was about to sleep, i woke up and the head of the little toy was cut right off.

i feel fine now, and my room feels fine but there are certain times where i feel like there is a strange presence.