I am currently writing a computer program that parses sentences. From my standpoint, there are two different ways to present multiple (usually 2) dates in a sentence. Either the dates are connected, as a continuum, or they are presented as distinct entities.

An example 1:

Joan was married February 6 2009 and Jamie had her baby on April 7 2009.

These two dates are distinct and stand completely autonomously from each other.

Example 2:

John will be in Barcelona from February 6 2009 until April 7 2009.

This sentence produces a continuum. There is a start and an end, and you can see this an amount, 60 days in this case. It is equivalent to saying John will be in Barcelona for two months, just more precise.

This is what my program has to distinguish between. Static dates, and continuum's. I need to know whether the sentence can be presented on a time-line as a single point or as a line.

I am currently using the following to indicate a continuum's between dates.

1) during - through
2) from - to
3) from - through
4) between - and
5) born - died
6) between - to
7) from - until

In other words, if the sentence has 2 dates, and "during" occurs before the first date, and "through" occurs between the dates in the sentence, then those 2 dates can be presented as a line, on a time-line, rather than a single point, regardless of interference from any other words.


He served in the Senate during President Reagan's term, January 20 1981 through the much better economic times, until March 25 1988.

in this example the "during" doesn't have to come right before the date, it just has to proceed it, and the same is true for "through", it just has to lie some place between the 2 dates.

so the questions are:

1) Is there any word pairs that I am missing?
2) Is there any other indications, beside word pairs, that would indicate a date range. Is there something more complex that I can consider, such as verb and noun placement that I am not aware of, or sentence diagramming techniques that I can use to make this distinction for this project. It doesn't matter how complex it is.
3) Is their a more appropriate place to ask this question?

I thank you in advance, for considering this question.
