Hello ! Im 21 years old (still in college) i've been having this feeling for a year now that this is not what im supposed to be doing for the rest of my life and that im stuck with my major and that my life is being wasted on doing things i dont like so i started to make a list for everything a to do list to make use of every minute of the day to do stuff other than studying to get myself feeling like im doing something right or im being the person i dream of becoming that im important. i also started making a list of new hobbies and activities that i started doing like violin lessons, an academic research, donation campaigns, applying for a summer job, filling a form for some volunteer work. I even made a challenge to finish all of the above plus read 30 books in 40 days, watch 10 new tv shows,10 movies, complete 2 online courses, travel for 21 days, have a surgery, learn horseback riding, & write 2 articles all in the summer holiday just because i havent got time during the school year to do what i like and i feel like im losing myself because of it. I also want to add that the idea of watching 10 tv shows and reading 30 books was because my friend goodread says she read 50 books and my other friend watched 20 tv shows.. i have this uncontrollable desire to be the best in everything even if it was as silly as a tv show. Help me am i too ambitious and losing it? If so how can i relax a bit?
Am I too ambitious?
Added 3+ months ago:
Note: im constantly overwhelmed and feel like there isnt enough time in the day to finish all what i want to finish and when i dont i feel even more useless and hopeless.
Responses (1)
Yes. I have a grand daughter, in college, who is a bit like you. She's lost too much sleep and her health is going downhill now. As long as you can get, at least 8-10 hours of sleep a night - do what ever you want, however, NEVER put your health at risk because 21-years of age is way too young to have serious health problems.