I had intercourse once on the 16th of last month my period had ended 5 days before that. As of last week I had breast tenderness and swelling nausea cramps fatigue and food aversions and the need to urinate muxh more often. Despite all these signs my home urine test continues to say negative and yesterday I started releasing a bright red blood but in much less amounts than my period and this blood doesn't have the blood clots n tissue my period often and frequently has some say it's all in my head but I'm having food aversions to my favorite foods I just can't stomache them and my breast no longer fit in my genie bra ever since I connected my symptoms to pregnancy my weight that often fluctuates very very often has become incredibly steady and stable no matter how much I eat
Answers (1)
it very well could be
What if there's a line not starting directly at the belly button but half n inch lower