Well Im 18 year old guy and I have been thinking about s*x but the more I think about it I feel that I am not ready. Im going to therapist right now. I can't tell her stuff like this its way to uncomfortable. I dont know what is happening to me I have never open up to no one not even my parent like saying how I feel or about problems I can't even cry in front of people when I really want to. I feel that I am not ready for s*x cause of all this stuff and more. With therapy I finally have opened up recently but I feel like I'm lossing my mind I dont feel like myself I dont know what to do. I I feel less of a man cause I'm still a virgin and I am not ready I feel weak I'm confused I feel weak when I am getting emotional I feel like a man Is not suppose to show emotions. when I opened up to my therapist about my childhood I got emotional I wanted to cry she said its ok but I refused to cry cause it wasnt ok for me I felt like I was showing that I'm weak. I'm not sure what I'm asking am I less of a man idk