Well I recently just started Online School again and my mom asked me on Facebook "Will you cut the grass?" and I replied "Yes sure in a bit" and the conversation ended. I woke up at around 12:30 PM and I started working on my school work... (I have to do 15-20 assignments per day and I woke up later after my mom didn't wake me up, I am a Sophomore and have like 7-8 Subjects including Credit Recovery.)

So she promised to get my Permit Saturday and I was ready to get it. She gets home and says "Cut the grass or I don't get your permit" I was still working on my assignments at the time. I told her "It's not my job, your boyfriend is down stairs..." And she got pissed and said "I'm not doing anything for you again, and I'm not getting your permit tomorrow" of course she didn't mean it and it pisses me off the most. I woke up Saturday at around 8:30 AM and she asked my sister to wake me up and say "If you clean your room she'll go get your permit so do it quick or she isn't"... My room isn't even dirty, it has a few wrappers and bottles from my snuff... But of course it's been worst. Big giant baskets of dishes...etc I didn't even have a dirty room, it looked like a normal teenager room...

So she got pissed and just left and went and done her own thing, told me to make my own food or eat last nights spaghetti. So I did, and when she got home I talked to her and she raised her voice and said "You do nothing" for the past 3 times I've cut the grass, and swept and kept my room to perfection for almost 3 weeks. I kept chill until she blowed off getting my drivers permit like 4 times. So yeah...

Am I in the wrong or her?